About Ram | Engineer, Developer

Ram Goel


Frontend Engineer Intern

@Animall (Dec 2023 - Mar 2024)

- Worked on a scale of 100K Daily Active users.

- Built Cattle data collection module from scratch

- Automated report generation (Report generation time decreased from 1-2 days to 10 minute)


Frontend Engineer Intern

@Surplus (Jun 2023 - Nov 2023)

- Created recurring payments tracker with automated reminders

- Integrated BBPS SDK for bill payments using app.

- Integrated Account Aggregator for fetching latest payments from bank.


Software Engineer Intern

@Simplifii (Nov 2022 - Feb 2023)

- Integrated automatic OTP verification, and app tour in one of the client project.

- Taken client interviews for collecting requirements, and worked on them.

- Created landing page website for a e-commerce client.


Intern (React)

@NeyX (Jun 2022 - Aug 2022)

- Integrated socketio into the AI chatbot, built using React and Django

- Created company website in ReactJS.
